Achievement House BLOG

Jan 14, 2020 Julia DeBald

Standing Out: Let Microsoft Certifications Set You Apart in the Workforce

Did you know that AHCCS offers courses that allow you to also receive Microsoft Office Certifications? Click the story to find out how you can put these recognized credentials on your resume!

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Jan 08, 2020 Julia DeBald

Tips to Pick a New Year’s Resolution that You’ll Keep

Are you having trouble choosing a New Year’s Resolution? Start following our blog series, Tips on Picking a New Year’s Resolution that You’ll Keep, from now until January 31st to learn how you can make changes that will stick!

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Jan 07, 2020 Julia DeBald

Extended Interview: Esports at AHCCS

Did you know that AHCCS has high school and middle school Esports teams? Read the story to learn just how far our high school team went in the NASEF Overwatch tournament. Move over child’s play; this is the big’s leagues!

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Dec 09, 2019 Julia DeBald

Prepare for Takeoff: AHCCS Student Flies Drone for the First Time

After showing an interest in drones, AHCCS 8th grader Cooper Dekorte was lucky enough to get the chance to fly one! Click the story to read about his experience and what drove his curiosity to this innovative device.

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Dec 05, 2019 Julia DeBald

10 Tips on How to Reduce Stress

Are the holidays not making you feel as merry as you had hoped? Start following our blog series, Tips on How to Reduce Stress, from now until December 19th to learn how you can start feeling more at ease today! Click the story to find out more!

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Nov 26, 2019 Julia DeBald

3D Printing: A Unique Perspective

Innovation STEAM Academy offers courses that allow students to learn unique 21st century skills. 3D Printing is a course where students think creatively and see their ideas come to life. Click the story to find out more about the class that allows you to create and inspire!

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