Achievement House BLOG

Articles Categorized as:

Cyber Education

Oct 09, 2019 Julia DeBald

Introduction to Computer Science: Your Ticket to 21st Century Skills

Innovation STEAM Academy continues to offer classes that give our students 21st century skills. If you like to learn about the latest technology, computer devices, and what’s new in the internet world, read on to find out how you can still enroll in the exciting class that can give you an industry-recognized credential in Computer Science!

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Oct 03, 2019 Julia DeBald

10 Tips on How to Best Support Your Child’s Online Learning

Follow our blog series, Tips on How to Best Support Your Child’s Online Learning, during the month of October to find out how YOU can can help your student maximize their success this school year! 3 tips will be posted a week followed by the final 4 tips on November 1st.

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Oct 02, 2019 Julia DeBald

What’s YOUR Why? Ms. Laura Franks Tells All

Our teachers have great pride in what they do! 9th-12th grade teacher Ms. Laura Franks tells us why she loves teaching in a cyber environment and more importantly, why she continues to be passionate about her career 8 years later.

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