Achievement House BLOG

Mar 08, 2017 Alane Butler

Female Contributions to the STEM & IT fields

Celebrate Women’s History Month by learning about several women who have had significant impacts on the landscape of the IT and STEM fields. How did they get there? How can you?

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Feb 21, 2017 Alane Butler

How to jump start a student’s interest in STEM?

Achievement House Cyber Charter School awards almost a dozen 3D printers to students!

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Feb 10, 2017 Alane Butler

African American Contributions to STEM

During Black History Month celebrate Successful African Americans who are leaders in the IT and STEM world!

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Feb 01, 2017 Alane Butler

Digital Photography Showcase

Achievement House Digital Photography students share a video collage of their work.

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Jan 20, 2017 Alane Butler

Achievement House Helps Launch Statewide Cyber Chapter of PYLN

Through the coordination of Pennsylvania’s 13 cyber schools and the Pennsylvania Youth Leadership Network, the first-ever virtual chapter of PYLN has been born!

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