Achievement House BLOG

Articles Categorized as:

Cyber Education

Dec 23, 2020 Jen Brittingham

AHCCS Teacher Presents at Statewide Innovation Conference

Carmela Curatola Click HERE to watch the presentation. Achievement House Cyber Charter School Computer Science Teacher Carmela Curatola was featured as a presenter in the 2020 Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools Innovation Conference. The conference was held to bring together thought leaders in both brick and mortar and cyber charter schools to discuss innovative […]

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Jul 30, 2020 Julia DeBald

10 Tips to Get Back into School Mode

Does the thought of summer ending and school starting make you feel anxious? Click “read more” to see this month’s tips to help you feel prepared and get rid of those first day jitters!

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Jul 02, 2020 Julia DeBald

10 Tips to Keep Your Brain Sharp This Summer

Is your student feeling that summer slide and getting into day-long technology binges? Click “read more” to see this month’s tips series on helping your students stay curious even when they’re not in school!

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