Achievement House BLOG

Articles Categorized as:

Cyber Education

Oct 12, 2015 Alane Butler

Five Ways to Teach Fire Safety in Your Home: National Fire Prevention Week is Oct. 4-10

National Fire Prevention Week is Oct. 4-10. Make sure your students are safe while doing their schoolwork at home.

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Jun 22, 2015 Jen Vargas

Achievement House Cyber Charter School Receives Middle States Accreditation

Achievement House earned its Middle States Accreditation this month, making it the second accredited cyber charter institution in Pennsylvania. Read about AHCCS’s journey down the accreditation path.

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May 20, 2015 Alane Butler

Letter to the Editor: Cyber-Charters are “Schools that Teach”

In this letter to the PennLive Op-Ed page, the writers present an argument against the proposed cuts to cyber school funding.

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