Remember, you can login and attend live classes while completing schoolwork from anywhere that has internet.
2. Check your Schoology messages and respond every morning!
Responding to your teachers promptly will allow you to get your questions answered while staying on top of your work.
3. Create a To-Do list every day!
List your assignments for each class and write down what you want to accomplish by the end of the day.
4. Put distractions away!
This includes turning off the TV and video games, turning off your cell phone notifications, and wearing your headphones to drown out noise.
5. Stay organized!
Have folders on your desktop and notebooks for each class. Have a designated place where you do your work every day that helps you stay focused.
6. Check your grades and feedback daily!
Your teachers provide feedback on also every assignment so you can improve. Knowing how you’re doing in each class will help keep you on the path to success.
7. Keep a regular routine!
Schedule times to do schoolwork, attend live classes, maintain social time with your friends, and be sure to get enough sleep.
8. Connect with your teachers!
Introduce yourself through a Schoology message, email, phone call or text. Set up a Skype meeting to talk with them face to face if you desire. Just saying Hi will set you up for greater success.
9. Logout every school day!
Logging out after completing your work for the day locks in your attendance. Perfect attendance is only a login in and log out away!
10. Ask for help!
Keep in close contact with your homeroom coach, mentor and counselor. Call the help desk for tech issues. Remember that help is only a text, Schoology message, or phone call away.
Check back next week for more tips on being a successful cyber student!
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