Achievement House BLOG

Does your child enjoy a stage for acting out? Venues like a teenage party, the gaming aisle in Wal-Mart, or time with best friends provide places where they can manipulate parents into giving into their verbal abuse and disrespect so we avoid embarrassment. When this happens, halt the activity by leaving the party, leaving the shopping cart, or canceling a family day out. Here are some quick tips for success.

  • Rehearse the plan and consequences with your child ahead of time.
  • Be willing to be inconvenienced or embarrassed when you leave. Following through is very important. The long term benefits are worth it.
  • Talk to your family and friends ahead of time so they are supportive of your plan.
  • After the rules have been broken, calmly say, “We are leaving.” No justification should be necessary, the consequences have already been explained.

When they know you are serious about “stopping the show” you will no longer be held captive to their outbursts. What places does your child act out? Are you willing to cancel tonight’s performance so that you can have long term peace in your home? No matter what age, it is never too late to start this show stopper.