Achievement House BLOG

uation is a significant milestone, celebrating the end of one chapter and the start of another. It’s a time of joy, reflection, and anticipation as graduates prepare for their next steps.

Graduating senior Phillip Brock is looking forward to the next chapter. Phillip plans to get a job and attend Indiana University of Pennsylvania, with the ultimate goal of becoming an engineer.

Phillip said, “I am excited to move onto the next chapter of my life and experience new things.”

Phillip is proud of successfully completing his graduation project and finishing high school with high grades and achieving the honor roll. For his graduation project, he created a website for video gaming. Reflecting on what he will miss most about Achievement House, Phillip mentioned the school’s field trips and the various projects he participated in over the years.

“Being a cyber student has set me on the right path. It has helped me learn a lot since enrolling at AHCCS,” Phillip said.

Phillip faced many challenges in transitioning to cyber education and overcoming his difficulty with math. However, he took it day by day and sought help from his teachers. Enrolling at Achievement House has been the best choice for him, providing opportunities to learn more.

When asked what advice he would give his freshman self, Phillip said, “I would tell myself to stay calm, try not to stress, and take it one day at a time.”

Phillip has been greatly impacted by Achievement House staff, including Mr. Khina, Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Moritz, Mrs. Longnecker, Mrs. Harris, and Mr. Kass. He deeply appreciates all the staff who have helped him get to where he is today.