Achievement House BLOG

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Cyber Education

Apr 16, 2021 Jen Brittingham

Riding Towards Success

Competitive equestrian sports require a person to possess mental sharpness, balance control, and muscle endurance so riders can connect harmoniously with their horses. Through years of horseback training, competition and the flexibility of cyber school, Achievement House Cyber Charter School 9th grade student Dashiell Hammett has mastered these skills. Dash’s interest in equestrian sports began […]

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Mar 16, 2021 Jen Brittingham

AHCCS Black History Month Extravaganza

The month of February is Black History Month, a time for everyone to celebrate the achievements of African Americans. On Friday, February 26, 2021, Achievement House Cyber Charter School held a school-wide assembly celebrating Black History Month. About one hundred and fifty students and staff members gathered virtually to share poems, rap, and other pieces […]

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Mar 05, 2021 Jen Brittingham

AHCCS 11th Grade Students Receive IC3 Certification

While most students leave college saddled in tens of thousands of dollars in debt, a few AHCCS students will be career-ready with the training they need to enter the workforce, should they wish to choose that path. Achievement House Cyber Charter School 11th grade students Zachary Beyer and Andrew LaFiura have successfully passed a series of […]

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