Achievement House BLOG

Articles Categorized as:

Cyber Education

Jun 12, 2023 Jen Brittingham

Lucy Brayton Named Class of 2023’s Valedictorian

As we near the end of the academic year, AHCCS would like to celebrate exemplary students in our “Senior Spotlight” blog series. This series will feature students who have made great strides during their time at Achievement House Cyber Charter School, such as graduating Senior and the Class of 2023’s Valedictorian, Lucy Brayton. Lucy a […]

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May 25, 2023 Jen Brittingham

Cross Curricular Mosaic Project

Cross curricular education teaches more than one subject area at a time to provide students with a multifaceted learning opportunity. Students can broaden their understanding and apply what they learn in more complex ways. The Mosaic Project gave ACHCCS students the chance to participate in a inter-disciplinary project the entire 2022-2023 school year. This project […]

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Mar 30, 2023 Jen Brittingham

The Power of Amplifying Student Voice

Student voice empowers and encourages the expression of thoughts, ideas, and opinions to create positive change within an educational community. During the 2022-2023 academic year, Achievement House Cyber Charter School has proactively tried to involve students in school-wide programs and decisions by creating a “Student Voice” group. AHCCS’s “Student Voice” meets and participates in school […]

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