Achievement House BLOG

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Cyber Education

Sep 17, 2019 Julia DeBald

Do Do Do Do, Automata!

Innovation STEAM Academy is offering more opportunities to our students this school year! Our newest year long course sparks creativity and even gives students an opportunity to become certified in a software used on the International Space Station. Read on to find out how you can still enroll in this exciting class!

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Aug 23, 2019 Julia DeBald

Tips for Staring the School Year Off Right

Follow our blog series, Tips for Starting the School Year Off Right, during the month of September to find out how YOU can set yourself up for success this year! 3 tips will be posted a week followed by the 10th and final tip on September 25th.

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Jul 25, 2019 Julia DeBald

AHCCS Wynnewood Educator Helps Students Soar through Drone Education

Veronica Farr has been hard at work this year teaching our students how drones can be used to change the world. She took her research all the way to the International Society for Technology in Education Conference this summer, and continues to present at conferences on the importance of making drone education inclusive.

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