Achievement House BLOG

Articles Categorized as:

Cyber Education

Apr 09, 2020 Julia DeBald

You are NOT failing! How parents and students can stay sane and healthy during this uncertain time

Parents everywhere are feeling uncertain about how they can help their kids during COVID-19. Click the story to read our advice on how you can not only stay sane and healthy during this time, but realize that you are NOT failing at your efforts to help!

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Mar 17, 2020 Julia DeBald

AHCCS Mentors: Your Personal Support System

The Achievement House Cyber Charter School Mentor program offers our students and their families above and beyond support both academically and personally. Click “read more” to find out how having your own personal mentor will help you to reach your goals both inside and outside the classroom!

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Mar 11, 2020 Julia DeBald

10 Tips to Be Your Own Advocate

Could you use some advice on how to ask for what you want in a respectful way without compromising your own needs? Start following our blog series, Tips to Be Your Own Advocate, from now until March 27th and learn how you can support yourself when you need it most!

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