Achievement House BLOG

Rules without relationship rarely work. If you want your child to care about what is important to you, enter their world intentionally once a week. Here are some no-cost ideas AHCCS parents have used to engage their child:

  • Take a walk with your child and talk about what is important to them.
  • Watch their favorite TV show with them and discuss how it relates to your family values.
  • Sit and watch a school lesson with them and see how it applies to everyday life.
  • Do they always have their headphones on? Surprise them and learn interesting facts about their favorite music artist’s life and career. Put their music on in the house for an hour to show you are interested in their selection. Have them listen to your favorite artist next.
  • Put up a suggestion/complaint box in the house and review the submissions as a family once per week.

We know that when parents engage their child, the child is more willing to follow the rules and become better students. This has been proven over and over again in AHCCS’s The Total Transformation© parenting class. Determine today what will work for you and when you will put it into action.