Achievement House BLOG

The countdown is on. The restlessness has already started.

How do you combat lack of focus in teens during the winter months? While some teachers in traditional brick and mortar schools throw on “Elf” when December twentysomething hits, cyber students are battling distractions in their own home: the smell of cookies baking in the oven or perhaps some family guests who have extended their stay. Let’s not forget every teenager’s ultimate distraction – ABC Family’s, 25 Days of Christmas lineup.

For Achievement House students, our last day is not until December 23, so here are a few ways to maintain focus and finish out the 2015 school year strong!

  1. Stick to a more rigorous schedule. If you have houseguests, make sure they understand the demands and scheduling of cyber school. If you can’t stick to your normal class / homework schedule because of guests or holiday activities, make sure you are blocking out enough time to dedicate to your school work.
  2. Know Your Deadlines.Make sure to keep track of all projects, papers and assignments that are due BEFORE the holiday break so you can avoid any unexpected surprises. Some teachers may assign work over the holiday break to keep your mind sharp and prepare you for the end of the next quarter. Sketch out a day and time you will start any assignments you have over break, so you don’t leave anything until the last minute.
  3. Preparation.Classes for Achievement House students will resume on January 4. Do you have any assignments due on that date? What do your classes look like the first week back? Knowing what is coming up can eliminate stress in students over the holiday break, and keep them on track to hit the ground running in the New Year!
  4. Take Frequent Short Breaks. Maybe you normally are able to buckle down and get your work done in a 4-5 hour block, but with holiday distractions creeping in give yourself a break to enjoy some of them for a few moments. Go outside and take in the first snow of the season or grab some hot chocolate to give your brain a break. In between school work, you can still spend important time with your family and friends during the holiday season.
  5. Stay Engaged! Did you luck out and have no assignments over the break? Don’t let your mind turn to mush by binge watching the latest episodes of “The Big Bang Theory,” pick up a good book. Our recommendation? The newly released “Go Set a Watchman,” by Harper Lee, which is a prequel to the 1960 classic “To Kill a Mockingbird,” has been one of the fastest selling books in American history since its July release.