Michelle Riehl
Birdsboro, PA

My desire as an educator is to prepare, equip, and empower each student to meet the unknown challenges that are awaiting them in their future. Teaching students how to learn will serve them in every capacity of their lives, so that is my ultimate goal in teaching. Achievement House Cyber Charter School provides students the opportunities for tailored learning that prepares them for future success.
Personal Bio
My undergraduate work focused on the study of Biology, and during those years I was heard saying “I would never want to be a teacher!” …Never say Never….I realized the need for students to learn life-enduring learning skills which led me back to college to get a teaching certification. I began my classroom teaching career in a brick-and-mortar traditional classroom teaching Biology and Human A&P. After raising 4 children, I returned to teaching at the 7th grade level for 4 years. My husband and I have been developing a woodworking business since 2000, and in 2021 I stopped teaching to work full-time in our family business. Now that the groundwork for that business is laid, I am excited to return to a new teaching endeavor – cyber teaching at Achievement House! In my free time, I love visiting with my husband and our 4 teenage children. We enjoy outdoor activities together and just “doing life” together. I have a special interest in animals, reading, cooking and visiting with friends over a cup of coffee.
Professional Bio
Bachelor of Science – Biology
Shippensburg University
CORE SUBJECT: Biology, General Science
OTHER SUBJECTS TAUGHT: STEM, Human Anatomy and Physiology
CERTIFICATIONS: Teaching Certification