Achievement House BLOG

Apr 15, 2015 Alane Butler

Stopping the Show

Prevent your child’s outbursts before they happen.

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Apr 08, 2015 Alane Butler

Student Soars at Achievement House and in Singapore

Achievement House Cyber Charter School student Bobby Wilson regained his self-esteem, motivation and career ambitions after almost failing all his classes in a brick-and-mortar school.

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Apr 01, 2015 Alane Butler

Achievement House Student Finds Safe Learning Environment in York

A seventh-grade student who had been bullied in middle school found a caring and nurturing environment to learn through Achievement House Cyber Charter School.

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Mar 15, 2015 Alane Butler

Break the Habit of Arguing With Your Child

State you expectations clearly to get results with your child.

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Mar 10, 2015 Alane Butler

Proposed Budget Cuts Threaten Cyber Schools

Governor Wolf’s proposed budget cuts may could mean less choice to cyber students.

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Mar 03, 2015 Alane Butler

Achievement House Students Attends Class from Hospital Bed

Charlie Parsons is having more success in an online Life Skills class at Achievement House Cyber Charter School than he did at a traditional brick-and-mortar school.

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