Achievement House BLOG

Graduation marks a pivotal milestone in an individual’s life, symbolizing the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and personal growth, and serving as a gateway to new opportunities and future endeavors.

Graduating senior Justice Francis is looking forward to the next chapter of her life. Justice has decided to enlist in the U.S. Navy and will be heading to a 10-week training boot camp in Chicago after she graduates. She is also planning to attend college and hopefully become an ER nurse for children. Fortunately, the U.S. Navy will support her financially in obtaining her future degrees. Justice has dreamed of joining the Navy since she was five years old and is grateful her dream is now a reality.

Justice said, “I am really excited to start my journey in the Navy. I am looking forward to graduating and starting the next chapter.”

When reflecting on what she has accomplished throughout her high school career, Justice is proud of the grades she received and her communication skills when asking for help from her teachers. All her teachers have been very supportive, and she believes being a cyber student has helped her have more one-on-one opportunities to receive assistance in her classes.

Justice said, “I really enjoyed my senior year. This year was the best year for me grade-wise and in communicating for myself by talking in my classes and going to my teachers when I needed their help.”

Justice has learned throughout her educational journey what she is capable of and how much support she has.

Justice said, “This year, I received so much support from the school, and I have also gained confidence within myself to tell myself that I can do this and to buckle down.”

Justice has overcome a lot of personal challenges this year and is looking forward to attending AHCCS’s in-person graduation ceremony.