Achievement House BLOG

1. Have a designated learning station.

Your child should have a room or area in your home that has good lighting, strong Wi-Fi, a place to plug in their device, and a space to keep a notebook for note taking.

2. Leave the distractions in another room.

Phones, TVs, video games, siblings, or other family members working can all hinder a child’s concentration.

3. Encourage your child to start every day at the same time.

Setting an alarm, getting dressed and eating breakfast puts them into a positive school day mindset.

4. Help your child make a to-do list every day. 

Checking items off a list allows them to stay on task and gives them the satisfaction of knowing they completed all their work.

  • Make the list in order of priority
  • Write the list on a piece of paper rather than laptop
  • Set time aside at the end of everyday to create tomorrow’s list 

5. Learn about the platforms your student is using.

Give yourself a tutorial of the programs they use to complete their work. If you’re not sure where to start, reach out to your child’s teacher!

  • Dedicate 30 minutes everyday to learn until you feel confident
  • Make a list of questions to ask
  • Write down key points that you want to remember 

6. Check in with your child’s teachers regularly.

Call or email teachers to find out if your child is completing work and participating as they should so small problems don’t grow into something bigger.

7. Check on how your kids are doing.

Ask them to show you what they’ve completed each day and find out what they’re struggling with. 

8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Requesting additional resources, expressing your concerns, and encouraging your child to do the same will allow for even more collaboration and support from their teachers.

9. Look for and read all communications sent by the school. 

Right now, electronic notifications are the only way schools can distribute important information to families.

  • Check for notifications once a day
  • Check in with other parents to see if they’ve received anything
  • Ask your child’s teachers if anything new was sent 

10. Celebrate the end of a school day. 

Once your child has completed all their work, allow them to be rewarded with something fun.

  • Let them watch TV or play a video game
  • Let them message their friends online or call them
  • Suggest they help you make their favorite meal for dinner
  • Set up their favorite game or online activity 

                                             Give grace to yourself and your child during this uncertain time. Be understanding of the fact that this is new for everyone involved!