Achievement House BLOG

1. Find fun family-friendly activities to do together. 

With activities being canceled, find opportunities to reconnect and use home resources to play together. 

  • Build a fort
  • Set up a treasure hunt
  • Bake or cook something new like homemade pizza
  • Have an indoor or outdoor picnic
  • Plan a virtual trip 

2. Explain why social distancing is important.

As a family, come up with alternatives to in-person meetups that will allow you to stay in touch with others while staying safe and healthy.

  • Facetime friends and family
  • Write letters to loved ones
  • Send funny videos to friends
  • Find live streams of events like dance parties or concerts

3. Find alternatives to canceled plans.  

Starting a new hobby, virtually meeting with friends, or revisiting old interests will make your time inside feel productive.

4. Keep your daily routine but remember schedules need to be flexible. 

Sticking to your regular healthy eating habits, maintaining good hygiene, and going to bed on time will give you a sense of normalcy. 

5. Limit TV, video game, and social media time. 

If your surroundings allow, take time to get outside as a family or do indoor exercises and games together.

  • Take a walk together
  • Play catch or Frisbee
  • Find exercise videos on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram
  • Bring out your favorite board game 

6. Take 30 minutes for yourself. 

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, talk to a family member or friend about what’s bothering you or practice breathing exercises to calm your mind.

  • Give your friend or loved one a call
  • Try an online yoga class
  • Download a meditation app
  • Write in a journal 

7. Make a list of things you’re grateful for. 

At the beginning or end of every day, sit down as a family and discuss the things you are blessed to still have access to.   

8. Stay up to date on the facts in order to correct misinformation.

Take the worry away from your kids by offering up age appropriate information to eliminate any fear they might be expressing.

9. Find ways to help others or brighten their day. 

Putting a pretty picture in your window, sending a nice text to a friend or loved one, or mailing cards and letters to those who can’t have visitors will make a difference in someone’s life. 

10. Give yourself a break! 

Don’t compare how you’re spending this time to others who appear to be staying more productive; we are all doing the best we can.

For more information about helping your children cope with the changes brought on as a result of COVID-19, click here. If you want to learn more about sleep, the immune system, and COVID click here.